Prof. Holger Reloaded
Up to 2015, he regularly answered science questions as “Professor Holger” on a German radio programme on WDR-1Live. Now, RRC-member Holger Wormer regularly analyses interesting, strange, and sometimes even bizarre issues from the world of science communication on our blog and in the newspaper “Tagesspiegel”. Quite often these are aspects of science policy and society that tend to be neglected in science journalism.

Every week, the RRC-team documents quotes from politics, popular culture, and the media in the “(Mis)Communication”-section to point out expectations of science that are sometimes justified and sometimes questionable – or to shed light on various notions about how researchers from different disciplines work. On Twitter and Mastodon, you will find all the quotes using the hashtag “#Wissverständnis”, while selected themes and ideas are explained in more detail in the “(Mis)Communication”-section of this blog.

Science is sometimes sweet, sometimes bitter, and sometimes sour. Often it also seems to be understood only drop by drop – and in some discussions, it is hard to swallow. So when it comes to engaging with science, small doses help. In this blog, we explore such “science drops” from a communication and science studies perspective to make public debates on scientific issues more accessible. Each “Science Drops” takes up a topic in a clear and concise way before it will be analysed in detail in the RRC’s “Living Handbook”.